Late Burst of Summer Increases the Demand for Motorcycle Goggles & Sunglasses
In terms of the weather, 2011 has been a strange year in the UK. First we saw extremely warm weather in April and May which got a lot of peoples hopes up for a long hot summer, this was of course before the downpours and shocking wet weather we saw throughout June, July and August.
Nevertheless, motorcycle enthusiasts have stayed loyal to their passion of hitting the open roads on their performance bikes to enjoy a bit of freedom and savour the riding experience. Certainly in terms of demand for eyewear, biker sunglasses and motorcycle goggles have remained at the forefront of traffic hitting the i*Sunglasses website and we have had a steady flow of sales throughout the summer period, albeit not to the same peaks of previous years.
The last week of September, which is not renowned for glorious sunshine, saw temperatures hitting the mid to late twenties throughout the nation corresponding to a rise in traffic to our web site across the board, but specifically for biker sunglasses. Warm weather always effects the sunglasses industry in that people generally start to think about outdoor activities and spending days outside with the family or friends. And also for motorcyclists, hitting the road on the bike for one last spell of summer sun before the autumn and winter seasons take hold.
Of course the pattern of the sun in late September and its position in the sky are wholly different to the so-called summer months, often lower and obviously less prominent in terms of daylight hours. It is recommended that in the late afternoon or early evening that lighter lenses should be worn when out riding to enhance visual perception, whereas during the daylight hours a darker lens will help block more of the suns rays. For this reason interchangeable motorcycle goggles are recommended. They offer all the benefits of a single lens pair of goggles but with the added benefit of being able to change your lenses to suit variable light conditions as required. A single lens solution will not only mean purchasing different motorcycle goggles for various scenarios, but also may leave you unable to go out on your motorbike if you only have one pair which may not be suitable for the days conditions.
Hopefully the prolonged warm weather will continue for at least a few more days, hopefully weeks! This will help retailers and manufacturers of sunglasses and goggles who have seen a dip in traffic and enquiries this summer when compared to last year. Certainly in tough economic times any break is welcome, if it is in the form of sunshine even better for our industry.
Our advice would be to be prepared for changing conditions during the next few days if you are out riding and to ensure you have the right motorcycle sunglasses and motorcycle goggles to hand should you need to change your eyewear.
To view our range of interchangeable motorcycle goggles please visit